B&C Summer 2024 League – Week 2 (Results)
3 new players signed up this week, bringing us to 18! Molly Willis is in the lead for now, but the season has only just begun.
3 new players signed up this week, bringing us to 18! Molly Willis is in the lead for now, but the season has only just begun.
15 women came out to the first week of our inaugural Belles & Chimes Summer League! If you missed the first session, there’s still time for you to join. Everyone’s lowest-scoring night will be dropped, so missing a week (or having a really bad night) won’t count against you. Here are the results from last night’s session.
Spring League has come to a close. After an exciting final playoff, A & B Division each ended up with the same rankings they started with! Jason Luci ultimately took the top spot on each game, putting him in first for the season. Brian Myers came in second, and new member Dusty Fisher snagged third after a final tiebreaking game against Brad Brewer. New member Sarah Kuetemeier took 1st place…
Results are in! After 8 weeks of wins and losses, struggles and victories, we have our finalists for the June 3rd playoff. (Drum roll…) Division A finalists: Jason Luci, Brian Myers, Dusty Fisher and Brad Brewer. Division B finalists: Sarah Kuetemeier, Jacob Lee, Ben Dudden and Jeff Gregg. As usual, there will be a pizza party as well as a 5-strike consolation tournament for everyone who didn’t make it to…
After weeks of studious design, sourcing parts, and careful assembly, this season’s trophies are ready for unveiling! Who will walk away with these beauties come June 3rd? There’s only one more league night before the playoffs, and anything can happen! As for B Division? You’ll be getting something special as well, so stay tuned.