Monthly Max Match Play – June 2023 (Results)
16 competitors went head-to-head for 20 games each, with Chris Dudden taking the top prize.
16 competitors went head-to-head for 20 games each, with Chris Dudden taking the top prize.
13 competitors went head-to-head for 20 games, with Brian Myers taking 1st place, Frankie Gilliam in 2nd, and Michael Tyler tying for 3rd with Kurt Holdren. A tiebreaker round put Michael in 3rd and Kurt in 4th. No playoff round was held.
Ashley Dudden was the reigning champion at our ladies night tournament, narrowly beating 4 other women.
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Tom Carey and Doug Haight were tied for +6 wins, with Tom edging Doug out of first based on number of total wins.
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14 people played 4 games 3 times each.
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21 competitors came to play in our Double Elimination bracket.
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A small but fierce group of ladies showed up for Sunday’s tournament, with Sable White taking the top prize.
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Frankie Gilliam came out on top, followed by Sean Kardaras and Greg King.
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14 competitors brought their A-games and played 8 rounds, followed by a 1-game playoff for the top 4.
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